Truss Sleeve Block for Aluminum Bolt Truss System

Tourgo Sleeve Bolck are used for large stage truss system or lighting truss system with lifting devices .


Sleeve blck/corner block, primarily intended for use in connection with 12″ ground support tower truss or other brands such as Tomcat truss, Thomas Truss, Applied Electronics Truss, etc. As you can see in the photos, this sleeve block can accept both 20.5″ truss as well as 12″ truss for lighter duty structures. When not used as a sleeve block, it can be used as a four 4 way corner block for either size of truss. The bolt patterns are identical to industry standard patterns for all professional grade 12″ and 20.5″ box truss. It is recommended that this item ship on a pallet.


Post time: Oct-13-2023


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